Description: My seniors and I developed this project for the Smart India Hackathon. It's a freelancing platform specifically tailored for Indian market needs. However, we won't be launching it commercially.
My contributions to the project were primarily in the backend development of the platform. While developing this project, I learned and utilized several new technologies, including: NEXTJS, Cloudinary, Resend
Here are some of the contributions I made to the project:
- I implemented central state management using the Redux Store, which allowed to manage project data for freelancers and freelancer profile data for clients through out the platform uniformly.
- I developed the functionality to display and filter the projects on their status for freelancers and client.
- I developed the functionality that dynamically changes the Apply Now button to Applied if the freelancer has already applied to the project.
- I developed the functionality that updates the status of freelancer applications when clients either accept or reject it.
- When the client has received more than one application for a project. After accepting one freelancer application, other freelancers application would be rejected dynamically.
- I developed the filter functionality for freelancers to search projects based on criteria such as project field and cost. And similarly, clients to search the freelancer profiles based on freelancer ratings and niches.
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